*Gifts from Tragedies*災難所賜的禮物*

~與Sasaki一家人,Kumiko,Tina 攝於仙台七濱町國際村避難所

*Gifts from Tragedies *災難所賜的禮物* 05-21-2011

~If you are willing, tragedies can bring you at least four gifts:
  Perspectives, Resolve, Mission, New Method

I just returned home from a 12-day amazing trip to Japan. Everything seems still surreal to me: I got to stand upon the cliff looking out to the now calm and deep ocean off Sendai, picked up shells ringing the sound and shaking of that eventful day from the beach, and hugged the brave ladies who lost their homes but not their hope at the shelter…

我剛剛結束在日本十二天神奇的旅行回到家中。每樣事情似乎仍是如此超寫實: 我真的站在仙台海岸懸崖上眺望著如今平靜深邃的大海、從沙灘上拾起迴響著災難當天巨響與震動的貝殼、在避難所擁抱了失去家園但尚未失去盼望的勇敢的婦女 …

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Origami Paper Art Museum @ the Narita Airport 日本折紙博物館 (成田機場)

Japan Origami Museum is located at Terminal 1, Central Building, 3rd floor, Narita International Airport, Tokyo, Japan. The museum has over 400 traditional origami exhibits. Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. The museum also sells origami works, books, tools and materials.

這次從東京回來,臨上飛機前忽然想起姊姊告訴我在成田機場第一航廈有一個折紙博物館,匆匆跑去參觀。日本傳統折紙藝術真是美麗,這次展出許多小島的人物風情,還有花藝與動物。可惜我飛機快要開了,沒有仔細看… 下次還要再來欣賞個夠~ 大大推薦給去日本行經成田機場的朋友,千萬不要錯過歐!